Other Talipes Types - Vertical Talus (Rocker Bottom), Calcaneovalgus, Calcaneovarus, Etc.
- Congenital Vertical Talus - August 2023 - Udit Agrawal; Vivek Tiwari.
- Results of treatment of congenital vertical talus by the Dobbs method - April 2023 - Andrzej Grzegorzewski, Łukasz Lipińsi, Błażej Pruszczyński, Paweł Grzegorzewski & Piotr Buchcic
- Congenital Vertical Talus - 2021 Oct - Thomas Wirth
- Prenatal congenital vertical talus (rocker bottom foot): a marker for multisystem anomalies - 2017 Dec. - Eva I Rubio, Nimisha Mehta, Anna R Blask, Dorothy I Bulas
- Congenital Vertical Talus Etiology and Management - October 2015 - Miller, Mark MD; Dobbs, Matthew B. MD
- The talar axis-first metatarsal base angle in CVT treatment: a comparison of idiopathic and non-idiopathic cases treated with the Dobbs method - November 2012 - Oliver Eberhardt 1, Francisco Fernandez Fernandez, Thomas Wirth
- Primary outcomes of the congenital vertical talus correction using the Dobbs method of serial casting and limited surgery - August 2012 - Hossein Aslani, Ali Sadigi, Ali Tabrizi, Mohammadreza Bazavar, Mehdi Mousavi
- Congenital vertical talus: treatment by reverse ponseti technique - July 2008 - Atul Bhaskar 1
- Early results of a new method of treatment for idiopathic congenital vertical talus. Surgical technique - March 2007 - Matthew B Dobbs, Derek B Purcell, Ryan Nunley, Jose A Morcuende
- Single stage surgical correction of congenital vertical talus by complete subtalar release and peritalar reduction by using the Cincinnati incision - 2002 Jan - Gazi Zorer, A Erdem Bagatur, Ahmet Dogan