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- Complex clubfoot: my 5 tips for appropriate evaluation and treatment with the Ponseti method - July 21, 2023 - Arana J Masquijo - Sanatorio Allende, Córdoba, Argentina.
- Clubfoot from past to the present: A bibliometric analysis with global productivity and research trends - Feb 2023 -
Hakan Yolaçan, MD, Serkan Güler, MD, Ramadan Özmanevra, MDb
- Prenatal Diagnosis of Clubfoot: Where Are We Now? Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis - Dec 2021 - Laura Ruzzini, Sergio De Salvatore, Umile Giuseppe Longo, Martina Marino, Alessandra Greco, Ilaria Piergentili, Pier Francesco Costici, and Vincenzo Denaro
- Chromosomal abnormality found for inherited clubfoot July 6, 2010 - Washington University School of Medicine
Although clubfoot is one of the most common congenital birth defects, few genetic causes have been found. Now, researchers have found what they believe to be the most common cause of inherited clubfoot yet discovered.
- Brace Yourselves: Outcomes of Ponseti Casting and Foot Abduction Orthosis Bracing in Idiopathic Congenital Talipes Equinovarus April 2019 - Alexander L. Kuzma, Vishwas Talwalkar, Ryan D Muchow, Henry J. Iwinski, Todd A Milbrandt, Cale Jacobs, Janet L Walker
- Management of the Relapsed Clubfoot Following Treatment Using the Ponseti Method March 2017 - Pooya Hosseinzadeh, MD, Derek M. Kelly, MD, Lewis E. Zionts, MD
- Fetal anomalies of the hands and feet Françoise Rypens, MD, FRCPC Orlando 2013
- What to do when percutaneous Achilles tenotomy fails in Ponseti technique? September 2018 - Agarwal, Anil; Kumar KH, Vimal
- The influence of brace type on the success rate of the Ponseti treatment protocol for idiopathic clubfoot April 2011 - Yoram Hemo, Eitan Segev, Ariella Yavor, Dror Ovadia, Shlomo Wientroub, Shlomo Hayek
- Ponseti's Treatment for Congenital Clubfoot (1963) By: Katherine Gandee 2017-12-27
- Current Concepts In Clubfoot Treatment June 2017 Edwin Harris, DPM, FACFAS