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Go to the Dr. Ponseti's Studies page

The 30 Year Study

(that fueled the parental revolution and was the inspiration for Dr. Ponseti's book, Congenital Clubfoot: Fundamentals of Treatment, published in 1996)

Modification vs Strict Adherence to Ponseti Method

Clubfoot In History

Ponseti Method Training

Go to the General Clubfoot Studies page

Go to the Complex and Atypical Clubfoot Studies page

Go to the Long-Term FollowUp Studies page

Does the Ponseti Method for Clubfoot Treatment Stand Up to the March of Time? Commentary on an article by Lewis E. Zionts, MD, et al.: “Sixty Years On: Ponseti Method for Clubfoot Treatment Produces High Satisfaction Despite Inherent Tendency to Relapse” - Letts, R. Mervyn MD, MSc, FRCSCa

Go to the Bracing Studies page

"The goal of the extensive bracing regime is to prevent recurrence by opposing the deforming forces at the medial ankle–foot joints that persist or reoccur after initial correction of the clubfoot" (Ponseti 2002, Dobbs and Gurnett 2009, Hosseinzadeh et al. 2017).

Bracing Comparisons

Foot Abduction Brace/Bar (FAB, BnB, Boots & Bar, DBB)

Bracing Time/Length & Compliance

Abduction Dorsiflexion Mechanism (ADM)

ADM prospective studies

*This is not a published paper or confirmed study; but it might be ongoing. If you wish to participate see this page and email the study contact.
Feasibility of Other Orthosis for Talipes (FOOT) trial - Nigel Kiely - United Kingdom

Ankle Foot Orthosis (AFO)

Go to the Casting Studies page

Accelerated or "Fast" Casting

Go to the Achilles Tenotomy Studies page

Go to the Development & Motor Skills Studies page

Go to the Gait Studies page

Go to the Pain Studies page

Valgus Overcorrection

Go to the Relapse & Recurrent Clubfoot Studies page

NOTE: This paper discusses relapse as associated with Pirani and Dimeglio scores

NOTE: This paper shows awesome images of what relapse looks like.

Note: This paper uses data from Pirani score, number of casts, and bracing compliance to get their results. Therefore it will be listed in 3 categories on this page.

This information was initially presented at the 4th International Clubfoot Meeting in Istanbul, Turkey and the Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Pediatrics in Washington D.C. in 2005.

Relapse Assessment

Clubfoot Relapse Surgery (Anterior Tibialis Tendon Transfer - ATTT/TATT/ATT)

NOTE: This full text paper shows both still images and video of the ATTT surgery

Other Relapse Surgery

Go to the Unilateral and Bilateral Studies page

Go to the Age When Treatment Begins Studies page

*See the "Neglected Clubfoot" section for papers studying the Ponseti Method for children of walking age, or older.

Go to the Foot Length & Calf Muscle Discrepancy Studies page

Go to the ​Physical Abilities & Sport Studies page

Go to the Gender Studies page

Go to the HyperMobility/HyperFlexibility Studies page

Go to the Scans/Imaging Studies & Articles (Ultrasound, X-Ray, MRI, CT - Mother or Child) page

Go to the Physiotherapy Studies (PT) page

Go to the Foot Bones (Talus) Studies page

Flat-Top/Flattened Talus/Talar Dome

Talar Deformity & Flattening

Go to the Locale Specific Studies page

Go to the Clubfoot Score/Assessments and Classifications Studies (Severity) page

Clubfoot Severity Scoring/Classification (initial assessment)

letter to the editor re: Predicting the Need for Surgical Intervention in Patients With Idiopathic Clubfoot June 2016 - Aydin, Bahattin K. MD; Sofu, Hakan MD

Ultrasound Assessment of Clubfoot Severity

Clubfoot Assessment (after treatment)

Go to the Biology and Etiology of Clubfoot Studies page

Go to the Genetics Studies, Hereditary & Other Risk Factors with Associated Clubfoot page

Associated Risk Factors (potential)

Go to the Non-Idiopathic Studies (Syndromic) & Clubfoot Associated (Neuro, Genetic, etc.) page



Spina Bifida

Tethered Cord

Amniotic Band Syndrome


Developmental Hip Dysplasia, Congenital Muscular Torticollis

Other specific disorders or conditions

  • Saul-Wilson Syndrome - Carlos Ferreira Margaret P Adam, David B Everman, Ghayda M Mirzaa, Roberta A Pagon, Stephanie E Wallace, Lora JH Bean, Karen W Gripp, Anne Amemiya, editors. - GeneReviews® [Internet]. Seattle (WA): University of Washington, Seattle; 1993. 2020 Feb 20.

  • Go to the Surgical Correction for Clubfoot Studies page

    **Studies associated with initial surgical correction - Non-Ponseti Method. Some are quite old, Some do not have text at all. Full texts can usually be specifically requested.

    Go to the Other Non-Surgical Methods Studies page

    Multi-Method Comparisons

    French Functional


    Ram's Taping



    Go to the Delayed Presenting Clubfoot - DPC (Neglected & Untreated) Clubfoot Studies page

    **Clubfoot is often left untreated in some underdeveloped nations and it can take some years to begin treatment. Usually patients are over 6 months to a year old, but often they are much older.

    NOTE: This paper follows a 24 year old untreated/neglected university student treated with Ponseti Method

    Iliazarov Technique/Frame/External Fixators/Taylor Spacial Frame

    Go to the Reviews of Clubfoot Studies page

    Go to the Study Standards Papers page

    Go to the Severity page

    Go to the Flat Top Talus Studies page

    Functional Implications of Flat-Topped Talus Following Treatment of Idiopathic Clubfoot Deformity - March 2023 - Matthew J Siebert, Jacob R Zide, Claire Shivers, Kirsten Tulchin-Francis, Wilshaw Stevens, Justine Borchard, Anthony I Riccio

    Go to the External Frame Studies page

    Iliazarov Technique/Frame/External Fixators/Taylor Spacial Frame

    Go to the Other Talipes Types - Vertical Talus (Rocker Bottom), Calcaneovalgus, Calcaneovarus, Etc. page

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