"The goal of the extensive bracing regime is to prevent recurrence by opposing the deforming forces at the medial ankle–foot joints that persist or reoccur after initial correction of the clubfoot" (Ponseti 2002, Dobbs and Gurnett 2009, Hosseinzadeh et al. 2017).
Bracing Comparisons
- Design and evaluation of a unilateral brace for preventing clubfoot relapse: A prospective study - Feb 2025 -- Fabricio ZapparoliJosé B Volpon
- The influence of brace type on the success rate of the Ponseti treatment protocol for idiopathic clubfoot April 2011 - Yoram Hemo, Eitan Segev, Ariella Yavor, Dror Ovadia, Shlomo Wientroub, Shlomo Hayek
- A modification of the Ponseti method for clubfoot management: a prospective comparative study July 2021 - Reda Sheta, Mohamed El-Sayed, Hisham Abdel-Ghani, Sameh Saber, Amani Salah, Eldin Mohammed, Tohamy Gouda, Tohamy Hassan
- The foot external rotation above knee (FERAK) brace versus the Denis Browne brace for management of idiopathic clubfoot following Ponseti casting: a randomized controlled trial March 2021 - Mohamed Hegazym, Hassan El Barbary, M. Hammoud, Amr Arafa, Mohamed Tageldeen Mohamed, Ahmed Samir Barakat, Ahmed A
- Is unilateral lower leg orthosis with acircular foot unit in the treatment ofidiopathic clubfeet a reasonable bracing alternative in the Ponseti method? Five-year results of a supraregional paediatric-orthopaedic centre July 2018 - N. Berger, D. Lewens, M. Salzmann, A. Hapfelmeier, L. Döderlein, P. M. Prodinger
- Inferior results with unilateral compared with bilateral brace in Ponseti-treated clubfeet May 2017 - C. Sætersdal, J. M. Fevang, L. B. Engesæter
Foot Abduction Brace/Bar (FAB, BnB, Boots & Bar, DBB)
- Development of a functional prototype of a SMART (Sensor-integrated for Monitoring And Remote Tracking) foot abduction brace for clubfoot treatment: a pre-clinical evaluation April 2021 - Alaric J Aroojis, Tapas Pandey, Ajay Dusa, Arun G Krishnan, Rupesh Eknath Ghyar, Bhallamudi Ravi
- Congenital Talipes Equinovarus: Results of Treatment and Are We Bracing Effectively? 2021 Jan - John M Ranson, Graham Nuttall, Robin W Paton
- Foot abduction brace noncompliance in children with idiopathic clubfoot: how the deep squatting posture might help October 2020 - Pipattra Sailohit, Noppachart limpaphayom
- Factors Related to Early Recurrence of Idiopathic Clubfoot Post the Ponseti Method 2019 Nov - N Limpaphayom, MD corresponding author and P Sailohit, MD
- Effect of bar length on foot abduction and ankle dorsiflexion in Steenbeek foot abduction brace November 2019 - Agarwal, Anil; Barik, Sitanshu
- Perspective Delayed ossification and abnormal development of tarsal bones in idiopathic clubfoot: should it affect bracing protocol when using the Ponseti method? June 2019 - Y. Hemo, R Gigi, S. Wientroub
- Bracing in clubfoot: do we know enough? June 2019 - C. Alves
- Effect of bar length on foot abduction and ankle dorsiflexion in Steenbeek foot abduction brace 2019 - Anil Agarwal and Sitanshu Barik
- Open-Source Three-Dimensional Printable Infant Clubfoot Brace Project: The Do-It-Yourself approach and open source solutions applied to all fields of our life (even for research purposes) February 2019 - Benjamin Savonen, John Gershenson, Jennifer K. Bow, Joshua M Pearce (this is not recommended. This brace can not possibly work. It is only included because it's so ridiculous.)
- The foot abduction characteristics following Steenbeek foot abduction brace January 2017 - Anil Agarwal, Anubrat Kumar, Madhusudan Mishra
- The quality of Achilles tendon repair five to eight years after percutaneous tenotomy in the treatment of clubfoot: clinical and ultrasonographic findings January 2017 - Daniel Augusto Carvalho Maranho, Fabio Henrique Luiz Leonardo, Carlos Fernando P. S Herrero, Edgard Eduard Engel, Jose Batista Volpon, Marcello Henrique Nogueira-Barbosa
- Inferior results with unilateral compared with bilateral brace in Ponseti-treated clubfeet 2017 Jun - C Sætersdal, J M Fevang, L B Engesæter
- Is the same brace fit for all? The length of abduction bar in Steenbeek foot abduction brace for Indian children—A pilot study October 2017 - Anil Agarwal, Nargesh Agrawal, Anurajan Dubey, and Neeraj Gupta
- Steenbeek foot abduction brace for clubfoot: Cost-effective but is it effective? A prospective study May 2017 - Thatikonda Sai Dinesh, Prem Kotian
- The Dynamicity of Steenbeek Foot Abduction Brace for Clubfoot in Dorsiflexion and Pronation: A Pilot Study April 2016 - Anil Agarwal, MS, Anubrat Kumar, MS, Abbas Shaharyar, MS, Madhusudan Mishra, MS
- Factors predicting brace noncompliance among idiopathic clubfoot patients treated with the Ponseti method Dec 2015 - Ayman H.Jawadi FRCSI, Essam M.Al-Abbasi MBBS, Hani A.Tamim PhD.
- Factors affecting adherence with foot abduction orthosis following Ponseti method February 2015 - Süleyman Bora Göksan, Fuat Bİlgİlİ, İlker Eren, Ayşegül Bursalı, Eylem Koç
- Prospective evaluation of the use of Mitchell shoes and dynamic abduction brace for idiopathic clubfeet November 2014 - Chong, David Y.; Finberg, Naomi S.; Conklin, Michael J.; Doyle, John Scott; Khoury, Joseph G.; Gilbert, Shawn R.
- The Ponseti method of treatment for clubfoot in Brazil: barriers to bracing compliance 2013 - Monica Paschoal Nogueira, Mark Fox, Kathleen Miller, Jose Morcuende
- Orthosis Noncompliance After the Ponseti Method for the Treatment of Idiopathic Clubfeet: A Relevant Problem That Needs Reevaluation September 2011 - Norman Ramirez, John M Flynn, Samuel Fernández, Wallace Seda, Raul Macchiavelli
- Positive Communication Paradigm Decreases Early Recurrence in Clubfoot Treatment (**See 2009 paper below**) August 2013 - Matthew L Morin, Daniel Matthew Hoopes, **Elizabeth A Szalay
- Treatment of Idiopathic Clubfoot: Experience With the Mitchell-Ponseti Brace October 2012 - Lewis Zionts, Nathan Frost, Rachel Kim, Edward Ebramzadeh, J. Vernon Luck, Sr., Sophia Sangiorgio
- Bracing in the treatment of children with clubfoot: past, present, and future 2010 - Lajja Desai, BSE, Florin Oprescu, MD, PhD, Andrew DiMeo, PhD,* and Jose A Morcuende, MD, PhD
- Bracing Following Correction of Idiopathic Clubfoot Using the Ponseti Method August 2010 - Zionts, Lewis E. MD; Dietz, Frederick R. MD
- Improved bracing compliance in children with clubfeet using a dynamic orthosis. 2009 - Garg S, Porter K.
- Effect of cultural factors on outcome of Ponseti treatment of clubfeet in rural America (**See 2013 paper above**) 2009 - Avilucea FR, **Szalay EA, Bosch PP, Sweet KR, Schwend RM
- Sedation protocols for Ponseti clubfoot Achilles tenotomy Dec 2007 - Noam Bor, Yeshayahu Katz, Oded Vofsi, John E. Herzenberg, Aaron L. Zuckerberg
- Foot abduction brace in the Ponseti method for idiopathic clubfoot deformity: torsional deformities and compliance 2007 Sep - Stephanie Boehm, Marc Sinclair
- A new dynamic foot abduction orthosis for clubfoot treatment. 2007 - Ryan Chen, J Gordon, Scott Luhmann, Perry Schoenecker, Matthew Dobbs
- Use of the foot abduction orthosis following Ponseti casts: is it essential? 2005 - Mihir M. Thacker, MD, David M. Scher, MD, Debra A. Sala, MS, PT, Harold J. P. van Bosse, MD, David S. Feldman, MD, and Wallace B. Lehman, MD
- Factors predictive of outcome after use of the Ponseti method for the treatment of idiopathic clubfeet 2004 - Matthew B Dobbs, J R Rudzki, Derek B Purcell, Tim Walton, Kristina R Porter, Christina A Gurnett
- Early results of the Ponseti method using the Steenbek foot abduction brace: A prospective study of 95 feet. 2000 - Bouchoucha S, Smida M, Saïed W, et al
Bracing Time/Length & Compliance
- Exploring Bracing Adherence in Ponseti Treatment of Clubfoot: A Comparative Study of Factors and Outcomes in Uganda - 2023 Jul - Marieke Dreise, Catherine Elkins, Moses Fisha Muhumuza, Henry Musoke, Tracey Smythe, Javier Abián-Vicén
- Use of PROMIS in Assessment of Children With Ponseti-treated Idiopathic Clubfoot: Better Scores With Greater Than 3 Years of Brace Use - March 2020 - Ahsan A. Khan, Nancy Abarca, Shriners Hospitals for Children Northern California, Nina Cung, Shriners Hospitals for Children, Joel Lerman, Shriners Hospitals for Children,
- Exploring Bracing Adherence in Ponseti Treatment of Clubfoot: A Comparative Study of Factors and Outcomes in UgandaUse of PROMIS in Assessment of Children With Ponseti-treated Idiopathic Clubfoot: Better Scores With Greater Than 3 Years of Brace Use
March 2020 - Ahsan A. Khan, Nancy Abarca, Nina Cung, Joel Lerman
- Patient-Reported Outcome Measurement Information System (PROMIS) Scores in Pediatric Patients With Arthrogryposis - August 2021 - Lauren C. Hyer
Lisa T. Carson
Ashley M. Carpenter
David E. Westberry
- Delayed ossification and abnormal development of tarsal bones in idiopathic clubfoot: should it affect bracing protocol when using the Ponseti method? June 2019 - Y. Hemo, R Gigi, S Wientroub
- Factors Related to Early Recurrence of Idiopathic Clubfoot Post the Ponseti Method 2019 Nov - N Limpaphayom, MDcorresponding author and P Sailohit, MD
- Design and descriptive data of the randomized Clubfoot Foot Abduction Brace Length of Treatment Study (FAB24) 2017 March - Matthew B Dobbs, Steven L Frick, Vincent S Mosca, Ellen Raney, Harold J VanBosse, Joel A Lerman, Vishwas R Talwalkar, Karen Steger-May, Christina A Gurnett
- The Objective Measurement of Brace-Use Adherence in the Treatment of Idiopathic Clubfoot 2016 - Sophia N. Sangiorgio, PhD, Nathan C. Ho, MS, Rebecca D. Morgan, BS, Edward Ebramzadeh, PhD, and Lewis E. Zionts, MD
- Prolonged use of foot abduction brace reduces the rate of surgery in Ponseti-treated idiopathic club feet June 2015 - Lior Shabtai, E Segev, A Yavor, Shlomo Wientroub, Yoram Hemo
- A Randomized Clinical Trial Comparing Reported and Measured Wear Rates in Clubfoot Bracing Using a Novel Pressure Sensor April 2014 - Aaron Morgenstein, Rebecca Davis, Vishwas Talwalkar, Henry Iwinski, Janet L Walker, Todd A Milbrandt
Abduction Dorsiflexion Mechanism (ADM)
ADM prospective studies
*This is not a published paper or confirmed study; but it might be ongoing. If you wish to participate see this page and email the study contact.
Feasibility of Other Orthosis for Talipes (FOOT) trial - Nigel Kiely - United Kingdom
Ankle Foot Orthosis (AFO)