- Early clubfoot recurrence can lead to more frequent and earlier second recurrences - October 2024 - Schaibley, Claire; Torres-Izquierdo, Beltran; Hosseinzadeh, Pooya
- Early Predictors of Recurrence and Long-Term Results of Clubfoot Treated by Ponseti Method - 19 March 2024 - Pankaj Kumar Maurya, Alok Sahu, Mathew Varghese Published in International Journal of Health Sciences & Research
Conclusion: Ponseti treatment method is a safe and satisfactory method for congenital idiopathic clubfoot with long term effectiveness. Recurrences mainly occurred due to noncompliance with foot abduction brace. Recurrences can also be treated by same method.
- Staged Correction of Severe Recurrent Clubfoot Deformity With Dislocation of the Chopart Joint Using a Hexapod External Fixator and Unconventional Arthrodesis - April 2022 - Allen Kadado, MD, Noel Osereimen Akioyamen, MD, Rachel Garfinkel, MD, Nickolas Nahm, MD, and Ferras Zeni, MD
- Updates in the Surgical Management of Recurrent Clubfoot Deformity: a Scoping Review - February 2022 - Karim Gaber, Basit Mir, Mohammed Shehab, and Waleed Kishta
- Prognostic factors for recurrent idiopathic clubfoot deformity: a systematic literature review and meta-analysis October 2021 - Heleen van Schelven, Sophie Moerman, Marieke Van Der Steen, Arnold T Besselaar, Christian Greve
- Minoxidil decreases collagen I deposition and tissue-like contraction in clubfoot-derived cells: a way to improve conservative treatment of relapsed clubfoot? - Sept 2021 - Jarmila Knitlova, Martina Doubkova, Martin Plencner, David Vondrasek, Adam Eckhardt, Martin Ostadal, Jana Musilkova, Lucie Bacakova, Tomas Novotny
- Relapse Pattern in Club Foot Treated with Ponseti Technique -A Prospective Observational Study from Kerala, India April 2021 - Raju Karuppal, Jacob Mathew
- Concomitant Talocalcaneal Coalition as a Risk Factor for Early Relapse Following Ponseti Treatment of Idiopathic Clubfoot September 2021 - Mudit Shah, Isaac Rhee, Seung Kyu Lee, Mohammed Salman Alhassan, Kim hyun woo
- Relapses in clubfoot treated with Ponseti technique and standard bracing protocol- a systematic analysis 2021 May - Anil Agarwal, Anuj Rastogi, Prateek Rastogi
- Can clubfoot scoring systems predict the, number of casts and future recurrences in patients undergoing Ponseti method? 2021 - Mohammad Ali Tahririan, Mohammadreza Piri Ardakani and Sara Kheiri
NOTE: This paper discusses relapse as associated with Pirani and Dimeglio scores
- Minoxidil decreases collagen I deposition and tissue-like contraction in clubfoot- derived cells: a way to improve conservative treatment of relapsed clubfoot? September 2020 - Jarmila Knitlovaa, Martina Doubkovaa, Martin Plencnera, David Vondraseka, Adam Eckhardta, Martin Ostadald, Jana Musilkovaa, Lucie Bacakovaa, and Tomas Novotny
- Can Repeated Ponseti Management for Relapsed Clubfeet Produce the Outcome Comparable With the Case Without Relapse? A Clinical Study in Term of Gait Analysis 2020 Jan - Yu-Bin Liu, Shu-Yun Jiang, Li Zhao, Yan Yu, Da-Hang Zhao
- Factors Affecting Parents to ‘Drop-Out’ from Ponseti Method and Children’s Clubfoot Relapse January 2020 - Angela Evans
- Increased Microvessel and Arteriole Density in the Contracted Side of the Relapsed Clubfoot 2020 - Novotny, Tomas MD, PhD; Eckhardt, Adam PhD; Knitlova, Jarmila MS; Doubkova, Martina MSc; Ostadal, Martin PhD; Uhlik, Jiri PhD; Musilkova, Jana PhD
- Factors Related to Early Recurrence of Idiopathic Clubfoot Post the Ponseti Method November 2019 - Limpaphayom N, Sailohit P
- Poor Evertor Muscle Activity Is a Predictor of Recurrence in Idiopathic Clubfoot Treated by the Ponseti Method: A Prospective Longitudinal Study With a 5-Year Follow-up. July 2019 - Little, Zoe MRCS; Yeo, Andrea FRCS; Gelfer, Yael MD, PhD, FRCS
- The PBS Score – a clinical assessment tool for the ambulatory and recurrent clubfoot Jun 2019 - S. Böhm, M. F. Sinclair
NOTE: This paper shows awesome images of what relapse looks like.
- Treatment of relapsed, residual and neglected clubfoot: adjunctive surgery June 2019 - M. Eidelman, P. Kotlarsky, J. E. Herzenberg
- Relapse Rates in Patients with Clubfoot Treated Using the Ponseti Method Increase with Time A Systematic Review May 2019- Thomas, Hannah M. BS; Sangiorgio, Sophia N. PhD; Ebramzadeh, Edward PhD; Zionts, Lewis E. MD
- Prognosticating Factors of Relapse in Clubfoot Management by Ponseti Method Nov/Dec 2018 - Dahang Zhao, Hai Li, Li Zhao, Ken N Kuo, Xuan Yang, Zhenkai Wu, Jianlin Liu, Jie Zhu
Note: This paper uses data from Pirani score, number of casts, and bracing compliance to get their results. Therefore it will be listed in 3 categories on this page.
- Joint hyperlaxity prevents relapses in clubfeet treated by Ponseti method—preliminary results May 2018 - Dan Cosma, Andrei Corbu, Dan Nistor, Adrian Todor, Madalina Valeanu, Jose Morcuende, Sorin Man
- Efficacy of Ponseti Technique in Virgin and Relapsed Clubfeet: A Comparative Study 2018 Sep Prince Shanavas Khan, Bobby John, Shiraz Bhatty
- Casting Is Effective for Recurrence Following Ponseti Treatment of Clubfoot - June 2018 - Veroniek M. van Praag, MD, MA, Magdalena Lysenko, MA, Barbara Harvey, PT, Rosanna Yankanah, MA, and James G. Wright, MD, MPH, FRCSC
- Identification and treatment of residual and relapsed idiopathic clubfoot in 88 children July 2018 - Jurre H Stouten, Arnold T Besselaar, and M C (Marieke) Van Der Steen
- Relapse following use of Ponseti method in idiopathic clubfoot - November 2018 - Chand S, Mehtani A, Sud A, Prakash J, Sinha A, Agnihotri A
- Clubfoot relapse: does presentation differ based on age at initial relapse? September 2017 - Susan T Mahan, S. A. Spencer, C. J. May, Victoria Prete, J. R. Kasser
- Functional outcome of tendoachilles following Ponseti’s tenotomy for treatment of congenital talipes equino varus in children older than two years Sept 2017 - Sunny Agarwal1, Suresh B., Mathew Varghese, Vishesh Khanna, Mandeep Singh Bajaj
- The Ponseti technique and improved ankle dorsiflexion in children with relapsed clubfoot: a retrospective data analysis March 2017 - Marquez, Erika; Pacey, Veritya; Chivers, Alison; Gibbons, Paul; Gray, Kelly
- Management of clubfoot relapses with the Ponseti method: results of a survey of the POSNA members Feb 2017 - Hosseinzadeh P, Kiebzak G M Dolan L Zionts L E, Morcuende J.
- Medial to posterior release procedure after failure of functional treatment in clubfoot: a prospective study 2016 - N. Bocahut, A. Simon, K. Mazda, B. Ilharreborde, P. Souchet
- Residual forefoot deformity predicts the need for future surgery in clubfeet treated by Ponseti casting March 2016 - Hosseinzadeh, Pooya; Peterson, Erik D.; Walker, Janet; Muchow, Ryan D.; Iwinski, Henry J.; Talwalkar, Vishwas R.; Milbrandt, Todd A.
- Predicting the Need for Surgical Intervention in Patients With Idiopathic Clubfoot Published 2015- R. Goldstein, Derek A Seehausen, W. Lehman
letter to the editor re: Predicting the Need for Surgical Intervention in Patients With Idiopathic Clubfoot June 2016 - Aydin, Bahattin K. MD; Sofu, Hakan MD
- Residual forefoot deformity predicts the need for future surgery in clubfeet treated by Ponseti casting March 2016 - Hosseinzadeh, Pooya; Peterson, Erik D.; Walker, Janet; Muchow, Ryan D.; Iwinski, Henry J.; Talwalkar, Vishwas R.; Milbrandt, Todd A.
- The Objective Measurement of Brace-Use Adherence in the Treatment of Idiopathic Clubfoot 2016 - Sophia N. Sangiorgio, PhD, Nathan C. Ho, MS, Rebecca D. Morgan, BS, Edward Ebramzadeh, PhD, and Lewis E. Zionts, MD
- Classification of relapse pattern in clubfoot treated with Ponseti technique 2013 Jul - Atul Bhaskar, Piyush Patni
- Treatment Results of Late-relapsing Idiopathic Clubfoot Previously Treated With the Ponseti Method June 2012 - McKay, Scott D. MD; Dolan, Lori A. PhD; Morcuende, Jose A. MD, PhD
- Gastrocsoleus fascial release for correction of equinus deformity in residual or relapsed clubfoot 2012 Dec - Soo-Sung Park, Ho Seong Lee, Sang-Ho Han, Jin-Woong Park, Maria Josephine B de Peralta
- Relapsing and residual clubfoot deformities after the application of the Ponseti method: a contemporary review. - 2014 - Parsa A, Moghadam M H, Jamshidi M H
- Relapse of clubfoot after treatment with the Ponseti method and the function of the foot abduction orthosis. 2014 - Zhao D., Liu J., Zhao L., Wu Z.
- Does the Pirani score predict relapse in club foot? October 2010 - Vitali Goriainov, Julia Judd, Michael G Uglow
- Vascular Abnormalities Correlate with Decreased Soft Tissue Volumes in Idiopathic Clubfoot - 2010 Nov - Laura J. Merrill, MD,1 Christina A. Gurnett, MD, PhD, Marilyn Siegel, MD, Sushil Sonavane, MD, and Matthew B. Dobbs, MD
- Selective soft-tissue release for recurrent or residual deformity after conservative treatment of idiopathic clubfoot Nov 2009 - S.-S. Park, S. W. Kim, B.-S. Jung, H. S. Lee, J. S. Kim
- What Proportion of Patients Need Extensive Surgery After Failure of the Ponseti Technique for Clubfoot? May 2009 Willis, Baxter R. MD, FRCSC; Al-Hunaishel, Mazen MD; Guerra, Luis MD, MSc; Kontio, Ken MD, FRCSC
- Treatment of Clubfoot With the Ponseti Method A Comparison of Casting Materials March 2008 - Pittner, Douglas E. MD; Klingele, Kevin E. MD; Beebe, Allan C. MD
- Early clubfoot recurrence after use of the Ponseti method in a New Zealand population. March 2007 - Haft GF, Walker CG, Crawford HA
This information was initially presented at the 4th International Clubfoot Meeting in Istanbul, Turkey and the Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Pediatrics in Washington D.C. in 2005.
Relapse Assessment
Clubfoot Relapse Surgery (Anterior Tibialis Tendon Transfer - ATTT/TATT/ATT)
- Anterior tibialis tendon transfer for the treatment of dynamic supination in patients with clubfoot. Analysis of clinical outcomes and complications - January 2023 - F Turazza, E Sanchez, Victoria Allende, Sanatorio Allende, Julio Javier Masquijo, Sanatorio Allende
- Normalization of Forefoot Supination After Tibialis Anterior Tendon Transfer for Dynamic Clubfoot Recurrence March 2020 - Gabriel Mindler, Andreas Kranzl, Christof Radler
- How Many Patients Who Have a Clubfoot Treated Using the Ponseti Method are Likely to Undergo a Tendon Transfer? August 2018 - Zionts, Lewis E. MD; Jew, Michael H. BS; Bauer, Kathryn L. MD; Ebramzadeh, Edward PhD; Sangiorgio, Sophia N. PhD
- Tibialis Anterior Tendon Transfer for Relapsing Idiopathic Clubfoot 2015 August - Joshua B. Holt, MD, Brian Westerlind, BA, and Jose A. Morcuende, MD, PhD
NOTE: This full text paper shows both still images and video of the ATTT surgery
- How Do Different Anterior Tibial Tendon Transfer Techniques Influence Forefoot and Hindfoot Motion? May 2015 - Knutsen, A. R. MS; Avoian, T. MD; Sangiorgio, S. N. PhD; Borkowski, S. L. MS; Ebramzadeh, E. PhD; Zionts, L. E. MD
- Factors Predictive of Second Recurrence in Clubfeet Treated by Ponseti Casting May 2015 - Luckett, Matthew R. MD; Hosseinzadeh, Pooya MD; Ashley, Philip A. MD; Muchow, Ryan D. MD; Talwalkar, Vishwas R. MD; Iwinski, Henry J. MD; Walker, Janet L. MD; Milbrandt, Todd A. MD
- Long-Term Results of Tibialis Anterior Tendon Transfer for Relapsed Idiopathic Clubfoot Treated with the Ponseti Method A Follow-up of Thirty-seven to Fifty-five Years January 2015 - Holt, Joshua B. MD; Oji, David E. MD; Yack, H. John PhD, PT; Morcuende, Jose A. MD, PhD
- Plantar Pressures Following Anterior Tibialis Tendon Transfers in Children With Clubfoot 2014 - Jeans, Kelly A. MS; Tulchin-Francis, Kirsten PhD; Crawford, Lindsay MD, Karol, Lori A. MD
- Nerve Structures at Risk in the Plantar Side of the Foot During Anterior Tibial Tendon Transfer A Cadaver Study February 2012 - Radler, Christof MD1; Gourdine-Shaw, Monique C. DPM, CDR, MSc, USN; Herzenberg, John E. MD, FRCSC2
- Relapse After Tibialis Anterior Tendon Transfer in Idiopathic Clubfoot Treated by the Ponseti Method 2012 - Masrouha, Karim Z. MD; Morcuende, José A. MD, PhD
- Tibialis anterior tendon transfer for residual dynamic supination deformity in treated club feet. 2000 - Ezra E, Hayek S, Gilai AN, Khermosh O, Wientroub S.
Other Relapse Surgery