- Muscle-tendon properties and functional gait outcomes in clubfoot patients with and without a relapse compared to typically developing children
January 2022
S.D.N. Wijnands, Marieke van der Steen, L. Grin, L. van Oorschot, Arnold Besselaar, Benedicte Vanwanseele
- Forefoot adduction and forefoot supination as kinematic indicators of relapse clubfoot - October 2021 - L Grin, M C van der Steen, S D N Wijnands, L van Oorschot, A T Besselaar, B Vanwanseele
- Foot function during gait and parental perceived outcome in older children with symptomatic club foot deformity July 2020 - Jennifer Mccahill, Julie A Stebbins, Jaap Harlaar, Robin Prescott, Tim N Theologis, Christopher Lavy
- Gait kinetics in children with clubfeet treated surgically or with the Ponseti method: A meta-analysis August 2018 - A.B.M. Tuinsma, Benedicte Vanwanseele, KU Leuven, L. van Oorschot, H.J.J. Kars
- Gait in 5-year-old children with idiopathic clubfoot: A cohort study of 59 children, focusing on foot involvement and the contralateral foot June 2016 - Elin Lööf, Hanneke Andriesse, Marie Andre, Stephanie Böhm
- Results of Gait Analysis Including the Oxford Foot Model in Children with Clubfoot Treated with the Ponseti Method October 2014 - Gabriel Mindler, Andreas Kranzl, Charlotte A M Lipkowski, Rudolf Ganger
- Gait analysis of children treated for moderate clubfoot with physical therapy versus the Ponseti cast technique Apr-May 2010 - Hilton Phillip Gottschalk, Lori A Karol, Kelly A Jeans
- Gait analysis after initial nonoperative treatment for clubfeet: intermediate term followup at age 5 2009 May - Lori A Karol, Kelly Jeans, Ron ElHawary
- Lower extremity characteristics in recurrent clubfoot: Clinical and gait analysis findings that may influence decisions for additional surgery - Jan 2020
Kristan A Pierz, Jessica R Lloyd, Matthew J Solomito, Phil Mack, Sylvia Õunpuu