**Clubfoot is often left untreated in some underdeveloped nations and it can take some years to begin treatment. Usually patients are over 6 months to a year old, but often they are much older.
- An analysis of treatment outcome following classical Ponseti technique in older children with clubfoot – A concept stretched too far? August 2021 - Agarwal, Anil; Shanker, Mukesh
- Neglected clubfoot treated by serial casting: a narrative review on how possibility takes over disability - July 2021 - Cristina Alves, Anna Ey Batlle, Marta Vinyals Rodriguez
- Changes in the Foot After Two Years of Deformity Correction in Neglected Clubfeet Treated With Modified Ponseti Technique Jul 2021 Akhil Agnihotri, Suresh Chand, Arvind KumarAnil Mehtani
- Evaluation of a surgical treatment algorithm for neglected clubfoot in low-resource settings
Manon Pigeolet, Saiful Imam, Gheorghe Cristian Ninulescu, Shafiul Kabir, Pierre R. Smeesters & Hasib Mahmud
- Neglected Idiopathic Clubfoot Successfully Treated by the Ponseti Method: A Case Report of an Adult Patient who Started Treatment at 26 Years of Age July 2020 - Davi De Podesta Haje
- Correction of the Neglected Clubfoot in the Adolescent and Adult Patient - June 2020 -Nicholas Peterson, Christopher Prior
- Successful Treatment of Neglected Clubfeet in 10 Cases Using Ponseti Method, with Outcomes after 8 Years February 2020 - Angela Evans, Mazharul Islam, Mohommad Mamun, Hossen Chowdhury
- Ponseti Method After Walking Age - A Multi-Centric Study of 429 Feet: Results, Possible Treatment Modifications and Outcomes According to Age Groups - Project: THE PONSETI METHOD IN NEGLECTED CLUBFOOT January 2020 - Davi De Podesta Haje, Daniel Augusto Carvalho Maranho, Gabriel Ferraz Ferreira, Adolfo Cuauhtemoc Rocha Geded, Alaric J Aroojis, Ana Claudia Queiroz, Anisuddin Bhatti, Antonio Luiz Gonçalves Brandãom, Edwin Giovanny Valencia Lucero, Erika Iliana Arana Hernández, Guillermo Oscar Hernández Tierno, Juan Carlos Ocampo, Jung Ho Kim, Leopoldina Milanez da Silva Leite, Nariman Abol Oyoun, Assiut University Ranjeet Kumar, Sandra Jannel Santana Canto, Monica Paschoal Nogueira
- Treatment of relapsed, residual and neglected clubfoot: adjunctive surgery Jun 2019 - M. Eidelman, P. Kotlarsky, J. E. Herzenberg
- Results of Modified Ponseti Technique in Difficult Clubfoot and a review of literature 2019 May - Ankur Agarwal, Sumit Gupta, Alok Sud, Sheetal Agarwal
- The Ponseti method of clubfoot treatment in walking age children: is it effective? A study of 56 children from 1 to 10 years of age 2019 Mar - Avi Shah 1, Rujuta Mehta, Alaric Aroojis
- Modified Ponseti technique for management of neglected clubfeet January 2018 - Mehtani, Anila; Prakash, Jatinb; Vijay, Vipula; Kumar, Nishikanta; Sinha, Abhinava
- Result of Neglected Idiopathic Clubfoot Treatment by Ponseti Technique: A Case Study of Zero Clubfoot Project in Bangladesh November 2017 - Md Masud Kaoser, Md. Kaoser Bin Siddique, H M Baker, Forhadul Hoque
NOTE: This paper follows a 24 year old untreated/neglected university student treated with Ponseti Method
- Outcomes of the Ponseti Method for Untreated Clubfeet in Nepalese Patients Seen Between the Ages of One and Five Years and Followed for at Least 10 Years December 2018 - Banskota, Bibek MRCS, MS; Yadav, Prakash MPH; Rajbhandari, Tarun MS; Shrestha, O.P. MS; Talwar, Divya MPH; Banskota, Ashok MD, FRCS; Spiegel, David A. MD
- Evaluation of Ponseti method in neglected clubfoot 2016 Sep - Abhinav Sinha, Anil Mehtani, Alok Sud, Vipul Vijay, Nishikant Kumar, and Jatin Prakash
- Management of Idiopathic Clubfoot by Ponseti Technique in Children Presenting After One Year of Age 2015 - Mohammad Faizan, Latif Zafar Jilani, Mazhar Abbas, Mohammad Zahid, Naiyer Asif
- The Ponseti method in the treatment of children with idiopathic clubfoot presenting between five and ten years of age Dec 2013 - B. Banskota, A. K. Banskota, R. Regmi, T. Rajbhandary, O. P. Shrestha, D. A. Spiegel
- Management of idiopathic clubfoot in toddlers by Ponseti's method 2012 - Verma, Ananda; Mehtani, Anilb; Sural, Sumita; Maini, Lalita; Gautam, Virender Kumara; Basran, Sukhwinder Singha; Arora, Sumita
- Ponseti's manipulation in neglected clubfoot in children more than 7 years of age: A prospective evaluation of 25 feet with long-term follow-up September 2010 - Shah Alam Khan, Ashok Kumar
- Ponseti Method for Untreated Idiopathic Clubfeet in Nepalese Patients From 1 to 6 Years of Age December 2008 - David A Spiegel, Om P Shrestham, Prakash Sitoula, Tarun Rajbhandary, Binod Bijukachhe, Ashok K Banskota
- Correction of neglected idiopathic club foot by the Ponseti method Mar 2007 - A. F. Lourenço, J. A. Morcuende
- Ponseti technique for the correction of idiopathic clubfeet presenting up to 1 year of age. A preliminary study in children with untreated or complex deformities February 2006 - Süleyman Bora Göksan, Aysegul Bursali, Fuat Bilgili, Sevan Sıvacıoğlu, Semih Ayanoğlu
- The Neglected Clubfoot 2005 - John Norgrove Penny, M.D., F.R.C.S.(C)
Iliazarov Technique/Frame/External Fixators/Taylor Spacial Frame
- Neglected сlubfoot treated by Ilizarov and Ponseti methods June 2021 - MIlind M. Chaudhary, Ishani M. Chaudhary
- Congenital clubfoot treatment with external fixation: Italian experience since 2006 January 2020 - Antonio Memeo, Lucrezia Montanari, Daniele Priano, Elena Panuccio, Laura Rossi
- Treatment of complex foot deformities with hexapod external fixator in growing children and young adult patients July 2018 - Simone Riganti, Valentino Coppa, Luigi Aurelio Nasto, Mauro DI Stadio, Maria Grazia Calevo, Antonio Pompilio Gigante, Silvio Boero
- Evaluation of neglected idiopathic ctev managed by ligamentotaxis using jess: a long-term followup 2010 Oct - Ajai Singh
- Correction of Severe Recurrent Clubfoot Using a Simplified Setting of the Ilizarov Device May 2007 - Ricardo Cardenuto Ferreira, M.D., Marco Túlio Costa, M.D., Gastao Guilherme Frizzo, M.D., Roberto Attilio Lima Santin, M.D.First
- Correction of severe residual clubfoot deformity in adolescents with the Ilizarov technique 2004 Sep - Jeffrey K Burns, Raymond Sullivan
- Correction of the neglected clubfoot by the Ilizarov method 1994 F De La Huerta