Non-Idiopathic Studies (Syndromic) & Clubfoot Associated (Neuro, Genetic, etc.)
Non-idiopathic Clubfeet: A Current Concepts Review - 2021 - Rujuta Mehta1, Nirmal Raj Gopinathan2, Karthick Rangasamy3
Ponseti Casting vs. Soft Tissue Release for the Initial Treatment of Non-idiopathic Clubfoot May 2021 - Jonathan Abraham, Jon Cooper Wall Jr., Michel Diab, Cody Beaver.
The Ponseti method of treatment for neuromuscular and syndromic (non-idiopathic) clubfeet: evaluation of a programme-based approach at a mean follow-up of 5.8 years January 2021 - Avi Shah, Alaric Aroojis, Rujuta Mehta
Clubfoot Infants Initially Thought to be Idiopathic, But Later Found Not to Be. How do They do With Nonoperative Treatment? Jan 2019 - Richards, B. Stephens MD, Faulks, Shawne RN, CNS-C
Neurodevelopmental difficulties negatively affect health‐related quality of life in children with idiopathic clubfoot December 2018 Elin Lööf, Hanneke Andriesse, Eva Broström, Marie Andre, Stephanie Böhm, Sven Bölte
Treatment of syndrome-associated congenital talipes equinovarus using the Ponseti method: 4-12 years of follow-up 2018 - Hosam E Matar, Daoud Makki, Neeraj K Garg
A single-center prospective evaluation of the Ponseti method in nonidiopathic congenital talipes equinovarus 2012 Sep - Paul J Moroney, Jacques Noël, Esmond E Fogarty, Paula M Kelly
Treatment of neuromuscular and syndrome-associated (nonidiopathic) clubfeet using the Ponseti method 2009 Jun - Joseph A Janicki, Unni G Narayanan, Barbara Harvey, Anvesh Roy, Leonhard E Ramseier, James G Wright
Impact of congenital talipes equinovarus etiology on treatment outcomes 2008 Jul - Christina A Gurnett 1, Stephanie Boehm, Anne Connolly, Tyler Reimschisel, Matthew B Dobbs
Multiple Serial Casting for Recurrent Clubfoot in Arthrogryposis Corrects Deformity With Diminishing Returns - February 2024 - Jeffrey Henstenburg, Nikki Sutliff, Alexander Rompala, Amanda Stutman, Kyrillos M Akhnoukh, Harold J Van Bosse, Sarah Nossov
The Effectiveness of Serial Casting in the Treatment of Recurrent Equinovarus in Children With Arthrogryposis - December 2022 - Church, Chris MPT; Bourantas, Christina BA; Butler, Stephanie DPT; Salazar-Torres, Jose J PhD; Henley, John PhD; Donohoe, Maureen PT, DPT; Miller, Freeman MD; Nichols, L. Reid Boyce MD
The 5-Year Outcome of the Ponseti Method in Children With Idiopathic Clubfoot and Arthrogryposis August 2020 - Church, Chris MPT; McGowan, Abigail; Henley, John PhD; Donohoe, Maureen PT, DPT, PCS; Niiler, Tim PhD; Shrader, Michael W. MD; Nichols, Louise R. MD
Challenging clubfeet: the arthrogrypotic clubfoot and the complex clubfoot June 2019 - H. J. P. van Bosse
The effectiveness of the Ponseti method for treating clubfoot associated with arthrogryposis: up to 8 years follow-up 2016 - Hosam E. Matar, Peter Beirne, Neeraj Garg
Treatment of Arthrogrypotic Foot Deformities With the Taylor Spatial Frame - June 2011 - Mark Eidelman, Alexander Katzman
Correction of arthrogrypotic clubfoot with a modified Ponseti technique May 2009 - Harold J P van Bosse, Salih Marangoz, Wallace B Lehman, Debra A Sala
Early results of the Ponseti method for the treatment of clubfoot in distal arthrogryposis July 2008 - Stephanie Boehm, Noppachart Limpaphayom, Farhang Alaee, Marc F Sinclair, Matthew B Dobbs
Osteomyelitis Secondary to Ponseti Method for the Treatment of Clubfoot Associated with Meningomyelocele 2019 Mar - Zainab Majid, Faryal Tahir, Laila Tul Qadar, Kashif H Qadri, Sarrah Ali Asghar
Effectiveness of the Ponseti method for treating clubfoot associated with myelomeningocele: 3-9 years follow-up March 2017 - Hosam E Matar, Peter Beirne, Neeraj K Garg
Early results of the Ponseti method for the treatment of clubfoot associated with myelomeningocele June 2009 - David J Gerlach, Christina A Gurnett, Noppachart Limpaphayom, Farhang Alaee, Zhongli Zhang, Kristina Porter, Melissa Kirchhofer, Matthew D Smyth, Matthew B Dobbs
Spina Bifida Tethered Cord
Analysis of the efficacy of the Ponseti method for treatment of secondary clubfoot in young children with tethered cord syndrome 2020 Dec B Xia, Y M Dong, Y Zhang, F Y Liu, J Y Yuan, B Yang, F P Wang, X Q Niu, W M Hu
Clubfoot and Tethered Cord Syndrome: Results of Treatment With the Ponseti Method July 2019 - Jackson, Trevor MD; Jones, Alexander BA; Miller, Nancy MD; Georgopoulos, Gaia MD
Amniotic Band Syndrome
Club Foot with Contralateral Congenital Amniotic Band Syndrome Amputation Successfully Treated with Ponseti Method: Case Report - September 2024 - Brian Le, S. Mudiganty, Brian Le , Srikanth Mudiganty , Timothy Skalak
Clubfeet and congenital constriction band syndrome Bujar Shabani 1, Dafina Bytyqi 2 3, Cen Bytyqi 1 4
The Ponseti Method for the Treatment of Clubfeet Associated With Amniotic Band Syndrome: A Single Institution 20-Year Experience May/June 2021 Esparza, Melissa MD; Tran, Elaine MD; Richards, Benjamin Stephens MD; Jo, Chan-hee PhD; Shivers, Claire BS; Karacz, Chelsea MS; Polk, Jordan BA; Riccio, Anthony I. MD
Clubfeet and congenital constriction band syndrome 2021 - Bujar Shabani, Dafina Bytyqi & Cen Bytyqi
Importance of operative intervention in the treatment of clubfoot associated with congenital constriction Band syndrome 2020 - Kanwarjit Singh Sandhu, Karamdeep Singh Kahal, Dharmvir, Akhil, Sarin and Harmandeep Grewal
The Effectiveness of the Ponseti Method for Treating Clubfoot Associated With Amniotic Band Syndrome April 2016 - Aaron M Carpiaux, Pooya Hosseinzadeh, Ryan D Muchow, Henry J Iwinski, Janet L Walker, Todd A Milbrandt
The Use of the Ponseti Method to Treat Clubfeet Associated With Congenital Annular Band Syndrome 2013 - Zionts, Lewis E. MD; Habell, Barbara MSN, CPN
Resistant talipes equinovarus associated with congenital constriction band syndrome Mar-Apr 2000 - S P Hennigan, K N Kuo
Congenital Left Foot Polydactyly in Corrected Case of Congenital Talipes Equinovarus of Left Foot April 2020 - Rajesh Kishanrao Ambulgekar, Amit Manohar Awachat, Ramesh Laxman Dhakare, Dr. Shankarrao Chavan
Idiopathic talipes equinovarus with preaxial polydactyly of the foot: a case report April 2017 - Ali Tufan Pehlivan1, Suleyman Semih Dedeoglu, Yunus Imren
Clubfoot associated with preaxial polydactyly Nov 2014 Eberhardt, Olivera; Fernandez, Francisco F.a; Gabriel, Heinzb; Wirth, Thomasa; Fuchs-Winkelmann, Susannec; Peterlein, Christian D.c
Clubfoot, Congenital, with or without Deficiency of Long Bones and/or Mirror-Image Polydactyly; CCF Note: Not dated, according to citations it would be some time post 2012 - This appears to be a genetic study.
Developmental Hip Dysplasia, Congenital Muscular Torticollis Other specific disorders or conditions Saul-Wilson Syndrome - Carlos Ferreira Margaret P Adam, David B Everman, Ghayda M Mirzaa, Roberta A Pagon, Stephanie E Wallace, Lora JH Bean, Karen W Gripp, Anne Amemiya, editors. - GeneReviews® [Internet]. Seattle (WA): University of Washington, Seattle; 1993. 2020 Feb 20.