Clubfoot Scans/Imaging Studies & Articles (Ultrasound, X-Ray, MRI, CT - Mother or Child)
Prenatal Diagnosis of Clubfoot: Where Are We Now? Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis - Dec 2021 - Laura Ruzzini, Sergio De Salvatore, Umile Giuseppe Longo, Martina Marino, Alessandra Greco, Ilaria Piergentili, Pier Francesco Costici, and Vincenzo Denaro
Prenatal diagnosis of isolated clubfoot: Diagnostic accuracy and long-term postnatal outcomes - Sept 2021 - Ilaria Fantasia, Daniela Dibello, Valentina Di Carlo, Giulia Colin, Moira Barbieri, Chiara Belcaro, Elena Magni, Flavio Faletra, Travan Laura, Tamara StampalijaCorrelation of radiographic parameters with clinical correction in idiopathic congenital talipes equinovarus undergoing Ponseti treatment July 2021 - Ahmad Addosooki, Hamdy Tammam, Ahmed Fawaz Morsy, Ashraf Marzouq, Emad H. Ahmed, Ahmed M. Ahmed & Elsayed Said
Sonoelastographic Findings in Clubfeet June 2021 - Andrei Corbu, Dan Cosma, Dana Elena Vasilescu, Dan Vasilescu, Stefan Cristea
Magnetic Resonance imaging of severe idiopathic club foot treated with one-week accelerated Ponseti technique May 2021 - Alaaeldin A Ahmad, Ahmed F. Ghanem, Jihad M. Hamaida, Mosab Maree, Loai Aker, Mohammed I. Abu Kamesh, Suliman N. Berawi
MRI recovery of the Achilles tendon after percutaneous tenotomy in older children April 2021 - Manye Yao, Chunxu Zhang, Weyland Cheng, Junhong Guo & Shijie Dong
Radiographic Abnormalities Of The Talus In Patients With Clubfoot After Surgical Release Using The Mckay Technique - December 2015 - José Antonio Pinto, Andréa Canizares Hernandes, Thais Paula Buchaim, Francesco Camara Blumetti, Carla Chertman, Patrícia Corey Yamane, Artur da Rocha Corrêa Fernandes
"3D Digitization technique for the Assessment of clubfoot deformity in new born baby"- A Review November 2020 - Sharan Upendra, Gupta, Arpit Sonimm Ashutosh Bangar, Eshan Nigudkar
Quantitative Analysis of Talar Dome Morphology - October 2020 - Justine Borchard, Wilshaw Stevens, Matthew Siebert. Claire Shivers. Jacob R. Zide, MD, Anthony Riccio, Kirsten Tulchin- Francis, PhD
Ultrasonographic aspects of the Achilles tendon after tenotomy for the treatment of congenital clubfoot by the Ponseti technique 2020 Jan/Feb - Marcelo de Toledo Piza Watzl1, Alair Augusto Sarmet Moreira Damas dos Santos, Armando Leão Ferreira Neto, Danilo Alves de Araujo
Assessment of the talar deformity and alignment in congenital clubfoot using three-dimensional MRI after Ponseti method December 2019 - Haruka Guda, Kiyoshi Yoshida, Ryo Orito, Masato Kobayashi, Dai Otsuki, Hideki Yoshikawa, Kazuomi Sugamoto
Early Radiographic Changes in the Lateral Talocalcaneal Angle Following Achilles Tenotomy in Children With Idiopathic Clubfoot December 2019 - Jingchun Li, Yuanzhong Liu, Yiqiang Li, Zhe Yuan, Hongwen Xu, Federico Canavese
Assessment of the talar deformity and alignment in congenital clubfoot using three-dimensional MRI after Ponseti method December 2019 - Haruka Guda, Kiyoshi Yoshida, Ryo Orito, Masato Kobayashi, Dai Otsuki, Hideki Yoshikawa, Kazuomi Sugamoto
Assessment of the ankle joint in clubfeet and normal feet to the age of four years by ultrasonography 2018 Jun - A Johansson, Y Aurell, B Romanus
Residual Equinus After the Ponseti Method: An MRI-based 3-Dimensional Analysis May/June 2018 Mitchell, Joseph MD; Bishop, Aaron BS; Feng, Yixuan MS; Farley, Daniel MS; Hetzel, Scott MS; Ploeg, Heidi-Lynn PhD; Nguyen, Jie MS, MD; Noonan, Kenneth J. MD
Radiological Assessment of Idiopathic Club Foot Treated with Ponseti Technique March 2018 - Rohit K Shankar, Prem Kotian, Rajendra Annappa, Premjit Sujir, Varghese Joe
Radiographic Prognostic Factors for Selective Soft Tissue Release After Ponseti Failure in Young Pediatric Clubfoot Patients February 2018 - Seungcheol Kang, Il-Yeong Hwang, Soo-Sung Park
The quality of Achilles tendon repair five to eight years after percutaneous tenotomy in the treatment of clubfoot: clinical and ultrasonographic findings January 2017 - Daniel Augusto Carvalho Maranho, Fabio Henrique Luiz Leonardo, Carlos Fernando P. S Herrero, Edgard Eduard Engel, Jose Batista Volpon, Marcello Henrique Nogueira-Barbosa
Sonographic evaluation of Achilles tendon healing in tenotomies for congenital clubfoot and Ponsetis treatment. A 12-week follow-up May-Jun 2017 - J G Ríos-Ruiz, D M González-Torres, L A Valdez-Jiménez
Ponseti Casting Method in Idiopathic Congenital Clubfoot and Its Correlation with Radiographic Features Abstract 2017 May - Taghi Baghdadi, Nima Bagheri, Arvin Najafi, Pejman Mansouri, Mahmoud Farzan
Nonoperatively Corrected Clubfoot at Age 2 Years: Radiographs Are Not Helpful in Predicting Future Relapse January 2017 - B. Stephens Richards, Shawne Faulks, Ozan Razim, Amanda Moualeu, Chan-Hee Jo
Flat Top Talus: Complication of Ponseti Method or Overcorrection? , May 2001 - Shahbaz Khan Sr., Mansoor Ali Khan, Muhammad Amin Chinoy, Sadia Ahmed
Radiographic Abnormalities Of The Talus In Patients With Clubfoot After Surgical Release Using The Mckay Technique - December 2015 - José Antonio Pinto, Andréa Canizares Hernandes, Thais Paula Buchaim, Francesco Camara Blumetti, Carla Chertman, Patrícia Corey Yamane, Artur da Rocha Corrêa Fernandes
Can Radiographs Predict Outcome in Patients With Idiopathic Clubfeet Treated With the Ponseti Method? October/November 2015 - O’Halloran, Conor P. BS; Halanski, Matthew A. MD; Nemeth, Blaise A. MD; Zimmermann, Catherine C. MD; Noonan, Kenneth J. MD
Radiographic Indicators of Surgery and Functional Outcome in Ponseti-Treated Clubfeet 2015 - Dec - Lior Shabtai, Yoram Hemo, Ariela Yavor, Roy Gigi, Shlomo Wientroub, Eitan Segev
The Effect of Clinical, Radiographic and Functional Scores on the Total Score in the Evaluation of Congenital Clubfoot August 2014 Zoran Rakonjac, Radivoj Brdar, Miroslav Popovic
Ultrasonographic findings after Achilles tenotomy during Ponseti treatment for clubfeet: Is ultrasound a reliable tool to assess tendon healing? 2014 - P. Nasr, L. Berman & A. Rehm
3D MRI Analysis of the Lower Legs of Treated Idiopathic Congenital Talipes Equinovarus (Clubfoot) January 2013 - Suzanne Duce, Mariella D'Alessandro, Yimeng Du, Baljit Jagpal, Fiona J Gilbert, Lena Crichton, Simon Barker, Jon Martin Collinson, Zosia Miedzybrodzka
Ultrasonographic observation of the healing process in the gap after a Ponseti-type Achilles tenotomy for idiopathic congenital clubfoot at two-year follow-up Sept 2012 - Hisateru Niki, Hiroshi Nakajima, Takaaki Hirano, Hirokazu Okada, Moroe Beppu
Vascular Abnormalities Correlate with Decreased Soft Tissue Volumes in Idiopathic Clubfoot - 2010 Nov - Laura J. Merrill, MD,1 Christina A. Gurnett, MD, PhD, Marilyn Siegel, MD, Sushil Sonavane, MD, and Matthew B. Dobbs, MD
Correlation between clinical outcome of surgically treated clubfeet and different radiological parameters 2008 Aug - Mazen Abulsaad, Nahed Abdelgaber
Clinico-radiological assessment and their correlation in clubfeet treated with postero-medial soft-tissue release October 2007 - Prabhudev Prasad, Ramesh Sen, Shivender S Gill, Emal Wardak, Raghav Saini
Radiographic evaluation of idiopathic clubfeet undergoing Ponseti treatment 2007 Jun Christof Radler, Hans Michael Manner, Renata Suda, Rolf Burghardt, John E Herzenberg, Rudulf Ganger, Franz Grill
Assessment of talus deformity by three-dimensional MRI in congenital clubfoot February 2005 - T Itohara, K Sugamoto, N Shimizu, I Ohno, H Tanaka, Yoshikazu Nakajima, Yasushi Sato, H Yoshikawa
The influence of treatment on the pathology of club foot. CT study at maturity. 2004 May - Ippolito E, Fraracci L, Farsetti P, Di Mario M, Caterini R
Magnetic resonance imaging study of the congenital clubfoot treated with the Ponseti method. 2001 Nov-Dec - Pirani S , Zeznik L, Hodges D
A radiographic study of skeletal deformities in treated clubfeet - October 1981 - I V Ponseti, G Y El-Khoury, E Ippolito, S L Weinstein