**Studies associated with initial surgical correction - Non-Ponseti Method. Some are quite old, Some do not have text at all. Full texts can usually be specifically requested.
- Staged Correction of Severe Recurrent Clubfoot Deformity With Dislocation of the Chopart Joint Using a Hexapod External Fixator and Unconventional Arthrodesis - April 2022 - Allen Kadado, MD, Noel Osereimen Akioyamen, MD, Rachel Garfinkel, MD, Nickolas Nahm, MD, and Ferras Zeni, MD
- Histological and radiographic evaluation of three common tendon transfer techniques in an un-ossified bone porcine model: implications for early anterior tibialis tendon transfers in children with clubfeet - Oct 2021 - Kyle Korth, Scott Bolam, Ellen Leiferman, Thomas Crenshaw, Michael Dray, Haemish A Crawford, Maegen Wallace, Matthew A Halanski
- A Prospective, Median 15-Year Comparison of Ponseti Casting and Surgical Treatment of Clubfoot September 2021 - James A.F. Recordon, Matthew A. Halanski, Mark Boocock, Peter J. McNair, Ngaire S. Stott, Haemish A. Crawford
- Evidence Favors Ponseti Management of Clubfoot - A Commentary on an article by James A.F. Recordon, MBCHB, et al.: “A Prospective, Median 15-Year Comparison of Ponseti Casting and Surgical Treatment of Clubfoot” -
Kuo, Ken N. MD, Smith, Peter A. MD
- Ponseti Casting vs. Soft Tissue Release for the Initial Treatment of Non-idiopathic Clubfoot - May 2021 - Jonathan Abraham, Jon Cooper Wall Jr., Michel Diab and Cody Beaver
- Outcomes of Naviculectomy for Severe Recurrent Clubfoot Deformity April 2021 - David E. Westberry, Ashley M. Carpenter, Katherine Brown, Samuel B. Hilton
- Plantar Pressures Following Surgical Release in Children With Clubfoot: Comparison of Posterior Release, Posteromedial Release, and Nonoperative Correction Aug 2021 - Erdman, Ashley L. BS, MBA; Jeans, Kelly A. MS; Karol, Lori A. MD
- Correction of Recurrent Equinus Deformity in Surgically Treated Clubfeet by Anterior Distal Tibial Hemiepiphysiodesis October 2020 - Ebert, Nicola MD; Ballhause, Tobias M. MD; Babin, Kornelia MD; Schelling, Katrin MD; Stiel, Norbert MD; Stuecker, Ralf MD; Spiro, Alexander S. MD
- Posteromedial Release versus Ponseti Treatment of Congenital Idiopathic Clubfoot: A Long-Term Retrospective Follow-Up Study into Adolescence September 2020 - Andrei Corbu, Dan Cosma, Dana Elena Vasilescu, Stefan Cristea
- Ponseti method in the treatment of post-operative relapsed idiopathic clubfoot after posteromedial release. A short term functional study - July 2020 - Ali Bakir, Al-Hilli
- Talipes Equinovarus Treatment in Infants Treated by the Ponseti Method Compared With Posterior-Only Release: A Mid-Childhood Comparison of Results May 2020 - Albert Ferrando, Marta Salom, Alvaro Page, Alexandre Perez-Girbes
- Late Effects of Clubfoot Deformity in Adolescent and Young Adult Patients Whose Initial Treatment Was an Extensive Soft-tissue Release: Topic Review and Clinical Case Series 2020 - Johnson, Jeffrey E. MD; Fortney, Thomas A. MD; Luk, Pamela C. MD; Klein, Sandra E. MD; McCormick, Jeremy J. MD; Dobbs, Matthew B. MD; Gordon, J. Eric MD; Schoenecker, Perry L. MD
- A comparative study of pedobarography and ankle kinematics between children with idiopathic clubfoot after a soft tissue release procedure and controls December 2019 - Noppachart Limpaphayom, Tanteera Tooptakong, Phatcharapa Osateerakun
- Does an overcorrected clubfoot caused by surgery or by the Ponseti method behave differently? October 2019 - Chakravarthy U. Dussaa, Harald Böhmb, Leonhard Döderleinc, Raimund Forstd, Albert Fujakd
- Foot size asymmetry following Ponseti treatment versus comprehensive surgical releases for unilateral clubfeet Sept 2018 - Wallace, Juanita J.; White, Hank D.; Augsburger, Samuel F.; Talwalkar, Vishwas R.; Muchow, Ryan D.; Iwinski, Henry J.; Walker, Janet L.
- Growth Disturbance of the Distal Tibia in Patients With Idiopathic Clubfeet: Ankle Valgus and Anteflexion of the Distal Tibia June 2016 - Rolf D Burghardt, Laura P. Tettenborn, Ralf Stuecker
- Ponseti Treatment of Rigid Residual Deformity in Congenital Clubfoot After Walking Age October 2016 - Dragoni, Massimiliano MD; Farsetti, Pasquale MD; Vena, Giuseppe MD; Bellini, Diego MD; Maglione, Pierluigi MD; Ippolito, Ernesto MD
- Complications Associated with Ponseti Serial Casting and Surgical Correction via Soft Tissue Release in Congenital Idiopathic Clubfoot 2016 - Chatupon Chotigavanichaya MD, Perajit Eamsobhana MD, Thanase Ariyawatkul MD, Charikdhamma Saelim MD, Kamolporn Kaewpornsawan MD
NOTE: This paper describes the lack of skills associated with a learning-curve for those new to the method for Ponseti Casting. It also describes the learning-curve to likely be linked to the rate of complications this paper reports. It also does not describe casting material.
- Radiographic Abnormalities Of The Talus In Patients With Clubfoot After Surgical Release Using The Mckay Technique - December 2015 - José Antonio Pinto, Andréa Canizares Hernandes, Thais Paula Buchaim, Francesco Camara Blumetti, Carla Chertman, Patrícia Corey Yamane, Artur da Rocha Corrêa Fernandes
- Long-term Results of Comprehensive Clubfoot Release Versus the Ponseti Method: Which Is Better? November 2013 - Peter A Smith, Ken Kuo, Adam Graf, Joseph Krzak, Ann Flanagan, Sahar Hassani, Angela Caudill, Fredrick R Dietz, Jose Morcuende, Gerald F Harris
- Correction of Residual Clubfoot Deformities in Older Children Using the Taylor Spatial Butt Frame and Midfoot Gigli Saw Osteotomy August 2012 - Eidelman, Mark MD; Keren, Yaniv MD; Katzman, Alexander MD
- Hind-foot correction and stabilization by pins in plaster after surgical release of talipes equino varus feet in older children 2010 Jul - Mohamed M El-Sayed, Osama A Seleem
- Is it Possible to Treat Recurrent Clubfoot with the Ponseti Technique After Posteromedial Release?: A Preliminary Study May 2009 - Monica Paschoal Nogueira, MD, Anna Maria Ey Batlle, MD, and Cristina Gomes Alves, MD
- Use of the Ponseti method for recurrent clubfoot following posteromedial release 2008 Jan - Sumeet Garg, Matthew B Dobbs
- Clinico-radiological assessment and their correlation in clubfeet treated with postero-medial soft-tissue release October 2007 - Prabhudev Prasad, Ramesh Sen, Shivender S Gill, Emal Wardak, Raghav Saini
- Correction of Severe Recurrent Clubfoot Using a Simplified Setting of the Ilizarov Device May 2007 - Ricardo Cardenuto Ferreira, M.D., Marco Túlio Costa, M.D., Gastao Guilherme Frizzo, M.D., Roberto Attilio Lima Santin, M.D.First
- Clinical and Radiographic Features of Operatively Treated Stiff Clubfeet after Skeletal Maturity: Etiology of the Deformities and How to Prevent Them January 2006 - Pierre-Louis Docquier, M.D., Thibaut Leemrijse, M.D., Jean-Jacques Rombouts, Ph.D.
- Overcorrection and generalized joint laxity in surgically treated congenital talipes equino-varus 2006 Jul - Paul G Haslam, Martin Goddard, Mark J Flowers, James A Fernandes
- Correcting residual deformity following clubfoot releases 2006 - KN Kuo, PA Smith
- Anthropometric study of patients treated for clubfoot July-Aug 2003 - Cumhur Cevdet Kesemenli, Ahmet Kapukaya, Mehmet Subaşi, Serdar Necmioglu, Hüseyin Arslan, Davut Ozbag, Yusuf Celik
- Long-term comparative results in patients with congenital clubfoot treated with two different protocols - July 2003 - Ippolito E, Farsetti P, Caterini R, Tudisco C.J Bone.
- Avascular necrosis after osteotomy of the talar neck to correct residual club-foot deformity in children. A long-term review - April 2002 - H Huber, R Galantay, M Dutoit
- Avascular necrosis of the talus after McKay clubfoot release for idiopathic congenital clubfoot - 2001 R J Cummings, C J Bashore, C B Bookout, M J Elliott
- Orthopaedic treatment and passive motion machine: consequences for the surgical treatment of clubfoot - January 1996 - Diméglio A, Bonnet F, Mazeau P, De Rosa V
- The Clubfoot - The Present and a View of the Future With a Foreword by M.O. Tachdjian - With 328 Figures in 523 Parts, 3 Figures in Color 1993 - This is a compilation of many studies and papers describing mostly surgical methods and treatments. There is a small section near the end discussing "conservative" treatments but does not mention any non-surgical methods by name. Dr. Ponseti is referenced 20 times, all in citations for his papers. If you want to find out more about your specific surgical method, chances are there are pictures and descriptions of it within this large document.
- Deformity and disability from treated clubfoot Jan-Feb 1990 - J Aronson, C L Puskarich
- Reoperation in treatment of clubfoot Mar 1989 - Vizkelety T, Szepesi K