Books, Bar Covers & Other Cool Clubfoot Stuff

This page lists many sources for things you can buy for or about your clubfoot child's treatment.

There are clubfoot books, clubfoot milestone cards/stickers, clubfoot braces for stuffies or dolls, clubfoot boot and bar covers, clubfoot treatment books, and numerous other items that people all over the world create for clubfoot parents and kids to enjoy. These sources are listed in no particular order and are here only to provide a single source of links and information to make it easy to find what you're looking for.

If you know of a source for anything that qualifies for this "clubfoot goodies" page, please use our contact form to send us the link and any information you have about the products and creator. We will not discriminate or pick and choose who is represented on this page unless serious issues or hazards are associated with one of these products. We welcome any and all creators of clubfoot goodies world wide!

South64 Clothing

At South64 Clothing, we’re proud to create clothing designed with love and care for children with medical needs like clubfoot and hip dysplasia. As a Canadian-made brand, we focus on providing inclusive, medical-friendly apparel that makes life easier for both kids and caregivers.

Custon Zipper & Wider Legs
Our custom open ended zippers are located on the inseam making diaper changes a breeze while keeping the brace on"

Sleep Sacks with Extra Room
Our sleep sacks are thoughtfully crafted with extra room at the bottom, perfect for BNBs and other bracing systems.

Made from a bamboo, cotton, and spandex blend, our clothes offer the perfect balance of stretch and softness.

Proudly Canadian-made, South64 Clothing is here to offer your child the comfort, independence, and style they deserve, while making life just a little easier for parents and caregivers. As parents who struggled with finding clothes that fit over our daughters casts when she relapsed we wanted to create a clothing line where parents could feel seen and have comfortable and affordable clothing for their kids. Having walked the path already we are here to help and support parents going through their journey.


Inspired by our daughter’s request for a set of boots and bar for her American Girl doll,

OrthoBaby offers clubfoot braces designed by Dad to fit 18-inch dolls such as American Girl and Our Generation. We also have AFOs, walkers, and crutches in a variety of colors and sizes. We believe that play is more fun when kids can see a little bit of themselves in their toys.

Visit the OrthoBaby Etsy Shop to purchase

3D Toy Shop


Extra Special toys & gifts made by Nick

Leeds, United Kingdom

Visit 3dtoyshop on Etsy


Beaumont, Canada

To make wearing boots and bar fun we developed a 3D printed boots and bar (Brace Buddy) that you can put on your child’s stuffed animal or doll. This shop also offers an ADM 3D printed boot.

Brady Boots Etsy Shop

Baby N Boots

Clubfoot Treatment Ponseti Method Baby Book/Treatment Journal

Wall Decorations/Posters

Visit Baby N Boots Etsy Store

Starfish Babes

Blind Bight, Australia

Pavlik Hip Displaysia Harness Covers, Clubfoot and Hip Displaysia Milestone cards

Visit Starfish Babes Etsy Shop

Willy Nilly Art

Nicole Kelly started painting almost four years ago and in that time her art has grown and expanded into so much more. Nicole paints, makes custom tumblers, keychains, glitter ornaments, and custom T-shirts with any slogan or graphic you prefer. The holidays are a busy time for Nicole so please make sure your holiday orders are in early. Parents love the clubfoot tumblers and footy keychains. Add your child's name or any other custom lettering. Nicole is a mom to a clubfoot kiddo and loves spreading the word about clubfoot awareness.

Visit Willy Nilly Art's Facebook page to order

Color Me, BNB!: A special activity book for clubfoot cuties

A fun, inclusive activity book for our clubfoot cuties! Trace the alphabet, practice numbers, and design your own BNB!

My Magical Moments

My Magical Moments will put a BnB on an elf for you! You know you want one... or two.

Visit My Magical Moments on their Facebook Page

Bar and Boot Covers.

Boots & Bar Covers

Boots and Bar Covers. Est in 2015.

Clubfoot Talipes products in the UK.

Personalised, made to measure Bar covers & Boot covers for all bar types. Also available, cast specific leg warmers, Milestone Cards, keyrings, bracelets, night lights and Books. Seasonal & Christmas designs are also available, make sure to check in early to get your holiday creations!

All made, created and written by Jen in Devon, inspired by Rafferty, her very own Clubfoot Cutie.

Inspired by my boy, made with love and ready to excite your little ones mind

Order directly at Boots & Bar Covers or at Etsy

Find Boots & Bar Covers on Facebook and Instagram.

26th Ave. Clubfoot Essentials

26th Ave. Clubfoot Essentials makes pre-made bar covers and also pre-made boot covers for all FAB sizes for quick shipment and delivery. You can also create your own custom bar covers as well as custom boot covers.

26th Ave. Clubfoot Essentials Facebook Page

Clubfoot Cozies

Clubfoot Cozies is based out of Canada and ships world wide! Jenn makes bar covers custom to your baby and his/her needs! With a wide range of sizes and patterns to choose from, you’re sure to find something you and your little one will love!.

Send Jenn a message on the Clubfoot Cozies Facebook page.

Love, Athalia

Love, Athalia makes bar covers and other children's apparel in The Philippines.

Find her on Facebook here

While They Were Asleep

Homemade cloth bar covers and other items

Red Deer, Canada

Visit While They Were Asleep Etsy Store

By Bethh

Bar covers and other baby and child homemade items

Visit By Bethh Etsy Store

Happy Footers

Clubfoot/Talipes Boots and Bar Covers

Aberdeen, United Kingdom

"Boot and Bar Covers for children who are undergoing treatment using the Ponseti method. These covers add a bit of fun to your little ones journey."

Visit Happy Footers website

Visit Happy Footers Etsy shop

Clubfoot Books for Parents and Kids.

Do you have Magic Boots?

Join Arlo on his adventures to volcanic islands, one dream at a time.

What will his Magic Boots help him to do & who will he meet along the way?

An uplifting story that shares a positive journey through the start of life with Talipes.

Written and published by Emily Mallion who lives in England. Inspired by her own clubfoot superstar Arlo.

A beautifully bright & high quality book with engaging illustrations, proudly printed in England.

Buy directly from Emily at

Do You Have Magic Boots?

My Clubfoot Boots

Different jobs require different sets of boots. Some boots we use for work and some for play. Children with clubfeet get their own special boots! My Clubfoot Boots is a fun poem to help children with disabilities not be ashamed of their differences and unique abilities.

Laura Lee

Allen and Laura Lee were blessed with a daughter in 2018, born with clubfeet as well as many other medical issues. This amazing journey has taken them around the US visiting various doctors and meeting a lot of great friends along the way! Allen and Laura aspire to help others see beauty in all things and bring hope to all that life throws at them!

My Clubfoot Boots is available on Amazon

Clubfoot - The Quest for a Better Life for Millions of Children

Clubfoot: The Quest for a Better Life for Millions of Children tells the little-known story of the world's most common skeletal birth defect and development of a revolutionary method for eliminating lifelong disability for the 200,000 children born every year with this deformity. The hero of this story is Dr. Ignacio Ponseti (1914-2009) who, as a young physician, became enmeshed in the Spanish Civil War before being forced into exile in France and then Mexico. He eventually found a home in the heartland of America where, despite opposition from the medical establishment, he began a life-long quest to reshape children's futures from lives of pain and disability to lives of hope and promise. Because of Dr. Ponseti s quest, and the many healthcare professionals, parents, and other advocates who have taken it up, a normal, disability-free life is now possible for hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of children. This book answers three questions. Who was Ignacio Ponseti? What is the treatment he developed? How successful is his quest?

The Parents' Guide to Clubfoot

Written in everyday language, the book covers clubfoot in babies and older children from diagnosis through treatment for mild to severe cases. It provides details on clubfoot, its causes, treatment and care, along with an extensive list of resources and clubfoot assessment aids. In keeping with currently preferred treatments in the U.S., it emphasizes the Ponseti method, which minimizes surgery, and includes perspectives from Ponseti-trained clubfoot doctors and parents of children with clubfoot. However, separate chapters discuss all pre- treatment and post-treatment care options and one chapter covers surgery and post-surgery care if it becomes necessary

Clubfoot Chronicles: Tips for Helping your Clubfoot Cutie During Treatment by Maureen Hoff

Clubfoot Chronicles: Tips for Helping your Clubfoot Cutie During Treatment by Maureen Hoff

Visit Maureen's Clubfoot Support website to learn more about the author, the book, the podcast, and clubfoot support!

Clubfoot Chronicles: Tips for Helping your Clubfoot Cutie During Treatment

Clubfoot Chronicles is a landmark reference guide written to help parents grappling with the realities of the clubfoot diagnosis and treatment journey. Offering specific advice based in real-world experiences, Clubfoot Chronicles was written to guide parents to find answers they seekwhile giving the reassurance they need to succeed. This is the only book written by an experienced parent, it is easy to read and informative, providing helpful tips and heartfelt insights that any clubfoot parent can relate to.

Author Maureen Hoff wrote Clubfoot Chronicles while grappling with the challenges of providing care for her daughter, who was born with bilateral clubfoot in 2018. Her informal, coffee-chat tone, extensive knowledge and personal stories will give parents the confidence to manage their child’s medical care successfully.

Clubfoot Chronicles includes both the analysis of daily struggles (daily schedules, how to use the orthotics correctly) and the big picture impacts (dealing with the medical community, seeking emotional support) that clubfoot treatment will have on parents’ daily lives.

Clubfoot Chronicles is available on Amazon

Pete's Neat Feet

Before Pete was born his mother said, 'You're going to have neat feet!' Join Pete's family as they learn about his clubbed feet and how to care for him. See how a child born with a special difference can teach us more than we even knew we needed to learn.

View/Download Pete's Neat Feet Poster pdf

Pete's Neat Feet is available on Amazon, or you can get a signed copy directly from the author, Damaris Gibson!

Hip, Hop, Hooray for Brooklynn!

This upbeat story is about Brooklynn, a little bunny who loves to hop. Brooklynn wears a brace at night, but she is determined to learn how to hop rope in time for the Hippity Hop Games. Armed with hop rope rhymes and a can-do attitude, Brooklynn shows that persistence pays off and can be a lot of fun.

You can get Hip, Hop, Hooray for Brooklyn! by Jill Harold & Betsy Miller on Amazon.

One in 1000

Jojo dreams of doing what other children do. But he can’t. His feet aren’t like everyone else’s. When Jojo is taken to the hospital and given some strange boots to wear, at first he’s scared, but help comes from unexpected places, and the boots are not quite what they seem…This is a heart-warming story about coping with difference and the extraordinary resourcefulness of a child’s mind.

Find One in 1000 by Sonia Alcon on Amazon

Visit Sonia Alcon's One in 1000 website

Let us Count The Things 

A children's book written with Ponseti Princes and Princesses in mind. A sweet bedtime story that will teach your children that they can be whatever they want to be when they grow up.

Get your copy of Let Us Count The Things by Catherine Brown on Amazon.

Kinsley's Snowflake Dance

Kinsley's Snowflake Dance is an inspirational, true-to-life story of a little girl born with clubfoot. From Kinsley's birth, through her treatments and progress, and into her formative years, the focus remains on Kinsley's strength and determination and the beauty of her imperfections.

Buy Kinsley's Snowflake Dance by Lynn Nye on Amazon

Welcome to Dreamland: A Journey into Space

Alex was born with bilateral talipes. Or clubfeet. Each night he must wear special bedtime boots to keep his feet looking neat. But these boots are uncomfortable and he struggles to sleep. Until one night his Mummy introduces him to a magical place called Dreamland. A place of endless possibility and adventure. Join Alex as he is whisked off into Space where he meets two friendly aliens who need a little encouragement to wear their bedtime boots.

You can get your copy of Welcome to Dreamland: A Journey into Space by Catherine Brown on Amazon

My Funky Snowboard Journey

My Funky Snowboard Journey is a positive personalised interactive bedtime rhyming book specially aimed at little ones with special feet. It incorporates a unique Personal Interactive Memory Keepsake of your own Talipes Journey. Simply write your childs name in the spaces provided and the Funky Snowboard Journey becomes all about them.

Boys & Girls Version available now

It's a personal and positive story for your little one to keep forever. It's a beautiful quality hardback book, with colourful and sympathetic illustrations. Self published and printed in the UK.

Buy My Funky Snowboard Journey by Jennifer Watts directly from the author

Welcome to Dreamland

Alex was born with bilateral talipes, club feet to you and me. He struggled to sleep in his boots and bar until one night his Mummy told him about Dreamland.

In his boots and bar,
With straps so tight.
Alex struggled to sleep through the night

His legs uncomfortable,
His toes too hot!
He tossed and turned and banged his cot!

His Mummy came running,
He sat on her knee.
She dried the tears from his eyes and explained why it had to be...

She rocked her baby
And held his hand.
Whispering a lullaby “go play in Dream Land”

Find Welcome to Dreamland by Catherine Brown on Amazon

Wear your boots Ted

Wear your boots Ted A short children’s story about a very strong willed little bear called Ted-Ted who doesn’t want to wear boots and bar to bed. Inspired by my son who was born with Bilateral Talipes.

Get your copy of Wear your boots Ted by Rebecca Harding on Amazon

Leroys' Boots

"I published Leroy’s Boots (donating a portion of profits) so that our family and many others around the world could share a children’s story at bed time to make things a little easier. Wearing special boots and bar to bed to help with the correction of clubfoot can be a difficult task, It is my hope that Leroy’s boots can continue to bring comfort to your family and it is my goal that it will be read and enjoyed in homes, schools, hospitals and used as an educational tool to teach the world inclusivity."

Buy Leroy's Boots directly from the author, Lauren Christie

Find a Doctor

We can help you find the best Ponseti Method doctor for clubfoot treatment

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